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New Education Grant Administrator? Spending Your Title I Money: What Can You Buy?

Writer's picture: Tabitha FreemanTabitha Freeman

Money in a piggy bank

When it comes to Title I funds, you may be asking yourself, “What can I buy?”  For new grant administrators, understanding what can be purchased with Title I dollars is essential to ensure compliance with federal regulations and to maximize the impact of the funds. Whether you're enhancing student support, investing in educational resources, or creating enrichment opportunities, the goal is clear: Fund the Plan, Don’t Plan the Fund. In this blog, you will be provided a list of allowable items to help you allocate your Title I money in ways that directly benefit the students who need it most. Let’s explore how to make every dollar count!

Title I Allowable Expenses

Academic Support for At-Risk Students

Certified teachers’ salaries and benefits (to supplement core instruction)

Credit recovery, academic acceleration, and courses that lead to diploma

Pre-K, summer, and extended-day programs

Stipends towards certified and classified staff towards curriculum, instruction, and assessment

Equitable services for private school students

Computer technology teacher, coordinator, and services

Support for homeless students

Transportation for Title I extended-day and summer programs, if not otherwise available

Before-school, after-school, and weekend education programs

Services provided for neglected or delinquent children


       Materials, Supplies, and Equipment

Computer-aided instruction software

Homeless student uniforms, materials, clothing, hygiene

Supplemental instructional materials, equipment, and software

Take-home computers (LEA should ensure that families and students are properly trained in computer software usage)

Technology for private, nonpublic schools (district is fiscal agent/owner)

Periodicals, online subscriptions, and software license fees

Consumables such as workbooks, trade books etc.

Technology assistive materials such as mice, keyboards, headphones, etc.

Professional development

Parent and Family Involvement

Parent and family engagement coordinator

Parent University and parent training

Guest speakers and supplies for family night and family/parent event activities

Light refreshments to support meetings and attendees

Printing, binding, publishing services for distribution of materials to parents

Activities and supplies to support parent meetings

Small furniture for parent events (folding chairs, folding tables, etc.)

Back to School Night (books, magnetic letters, bookbags, etc.) 

Technology- Speakers, Mics, etc.

Printed school calendars 

                                  Professional Development

Stipends for teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators attending professional development

Substitute stipends or subcontractor fees to cover staff attending professional development

PD supplies and materials

Educational consultants

Conference costs that meet state and federal guidelines (e.g., registration, lodging, mileage, per diem, etc.)

Professional training through regional offices of education, education service centers, and public universities

Membership fees

Guest speakers- first teacher day

Now that we've explored the possibilities of what you can buy with your Title I dollars, it's time to get creative and make those funds work their magic! Remember, the key is to have a solid plan in place first—then let your spending bring that plan to life. With the right approach, you can turn your vision into reality and make a real difference for your students, schools, and district. So, go ahead and put those funds to work—after all, a well-funded plan is a recipe for success!

In need of a grant consultant or mentor?  

Please feel free to reach out here!

      Do you want to learn more about grant management?      Download my free guide, Federal Grant Management 101: The Basics

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