February is the month of love, appreciation, and friendship. If you are a new grant administrator and find yourself feeling isolated, alone, or out of ideas- it is time to find some companions. These companions should be people or groups who support your work or are possibly doing the same job as you, and could even be in a different school district or a private company.
Do you feel as though you have ideas towards a new grant initiative, but are afraid to put it in action, not knowing if it will work?
Do you find yourself never collaborating with others due to nobody else in your district doing the same job as you?
Do you feel that you are living on an “island” all by yourself?
In grant writing, it is so important to find and have “your people” and companions. These are people who you can “talk shop” with, have crucial conversations with, give feedback to one another, be problem solvers together, and celebrate your wins! February is the perfect month to start collaborating, find your companions and build partnerships! Here are a few examples of companions and how they can support your work in grant administration.

Professional Learning Network: PLNs provide a platform for grant administrators to connect with peers, share experiences, and exchange knowledge. New administrators can tap into the collective wisdom of the network to gain insights into best practices, challenges, and successful strategies in grant administration.

Neighboring District Administrators: Working with another grant administrator allows for the exchange of knowledge and insights. Each district is different, however, a neighboring grant administrator may bring unique experiences, perspectives, and expertise to the table, contributing to a more well-rounded understanding of grant management.

Retired Grant Administrators: Retired grant administrators bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table. They have likely encountered a wide range of situations, challenges, and successes throughout their career. This experience can serve as a valuable resource for a new grant administrator seeking guidance in navigating the complexities of grant management.

Federal Grant Specialists: Federal Grant Specialists share information about upcoming funding opportunities, grant deadlines, and changes in funding priorities. Staying connected to your state department can ensure that you are aware of potential grants that align with your district's mission.

Consultant: Working with a consultant or mentor is invaluable for a new grant administrator as it provides personalized guidance, expertise, and a structured learning experience. A consultant, drawing on their wealth of experience, can offer insights into best practices, help navigate the intricacies of grant management, and provide tailored advice to address specific challenges. The mentorship relationship accelerates the learning curve, and instills confidence in the new administrator. Additionally, the consultant or mentor serves as a valuable sounding board for ideas and facilitates networking opportunities.
In life we have many companions with friends and family, and even at times through hobbies and events- work should be no different. If you are able to secure these companionships early in your grant administration tenure, grant management will be something you LOVE!

In need of a grant consultant or mentor? Please feel free to reach out here! I look forward to the opportunity to connect, share insights, and support your professional development in the realm of grant administration. In the meantime, here is a FREEBIE to get you started!