As a school leader, there are many loose ends that you will want to tie up at the end of the school year. This is a great time to pause and reflect on the past year. You will want to review the data you’ve collected on the programs, interventions, and initiatives you’ve implemented. This is a great time to write your strategic plan for next school year complete with your end-of-year data, key milestones, SMART goals, and monthly metrics. Below you will find an easy-to-follow checklist of items to round out your school year.
✓ Finalize All Staff Evaluations
✓ Run end of year data reports
✓ Create next year’s strategic plan
✓ Provide teachers with a classroom inventory checklist
✓Provide teachers with a check out sheet that includes all necessary components
✓ Meet with committees to review effectiveness and determine goals for next year
✓ Schedule a meeting with your Superintendent to review your strategic plan
✓ Create new electronic files to prepare for next year
✓ Clean up your electronic files from this school year by archiving them
✓ Order supplies for next year
✓ Review all policies and procedures and make necessary changes to the student handbook
✓ Send out surveys to parents, staff, and students
✓ Create class schedules
✓ Collect Title I end of year documentation (if applicable)
✓ Finalize calendar if not already completed
✓ Update school website
✓ Begin the hiring process for unfilled positions
✓ Schedule all custodial projects for the summer
✓ Plan for and carry out Summer School
✓ Prepare and send out a summer newsletter
✓ Conduct a year-end inventory of textbooks, supplies and equipment
✓ Change the outgoing school voicemail to summer hours
✓ Ensure class schedule has time for staff collaboration
✓ Create a walkthrough observation and evaluation schedule for next year
✓ Communicate class schedules to staff as early as possible
✓ Review and revise all building level forms
✓ Draft a welcome back letter for next school year
Of course, this is not an exhaustive list and you will certainly add to it over the years. Closing out the school year can be a time of great reflection as well as a time of preparation for the year to come. By completing the items in this checklist you will be off to a great start next school year!
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