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The 411 on the SAT AssessmentThe Math Section – Calculator and No Calculator

Writer: Bill ReedBill Reed

Updated: Jul 30, 2024

The 411 on the SAT AssessmentThe Math Section – Calculator and No Calculator

It is extremely important for Administrators, Teachers, Parents and especially Students to understand exactly what the SAT Assessment is and how it is written. Knowing how the test is written as well as strategies on how students can perform at their very best is essential to overall success for this assessment.


The SAT Assessment is a multiple-choice and student-produced (grid-in), pencil-and-paper and online test created and administered by the College Board. The purpose of the SAT is to measure a high school student's readiness for college and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants. A good composite SAT Assessment score can open many possibilities and potential scholarships opportunities.


SAT Sections and Scores

A composite SAT Scale score between 400 and 1600 is possible. There are 2 sections on the SAT Assessment and each section is divided into two parts. The two sections are: 

  1. Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing

  2. Math


The Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing section is scored between 200 – 800 points. Yes, that is right. If a student fills in their name and do not answer a single question, students will score a 200 on the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing section. This section is divided into 2 tests which are:
  1. The Reading Test

  2. The Writing and Language Test. 

The Math section is also scored between 200 – 800 points. Again, if a student fills in their name and do not answer a single question, they will score a 200 on the Math section. The Math section is divided into 2 tests which are:

Discovering Values: A Guide to Personal and Workplace Connection


Our Plan to Help with the SAT Assessment

INcompassing Education will be providing some quick and simple reference sheets with information for Administrators, Teachers, Students and Parents to help them understand the SAT Assessment. These will provide the best way to prepare and practice and they will provide the skills, tips, and tricks for students to do their very best.

Quick Reference Sheet

This first quick reference sheet below is an overview of the SAT Assessment. It covers the overall make-up of the SAT Assessment along with its scoring and how Indiana will be using the SAT Assessment. There will be more quick reference sheets to follow that will discuss the individual parts of the overall SAT Assessment in much greater detail.


The Overall SAT Assessment is broken down into the following sections with the information given on each section:

Test Section

Total Minutes for this Section

Total Number of Question

Total Number of Passages

Total Number of Multiple-Choice Questions

Total Number of Student Produced (Grid-In) Questions

Evidenced-Based Reading




10 – 11 

per passage


Writing and Language





per passage


Math – No Calculator






Math - Calculator













Important SAT Facts

Below are bulleted statements of the most important facts everyone should know about the SAT Assessment. Becoming familiar with this information and these facts will help schools and students improve their SAT Assessment Scale scores. The overall goal for these quick reference sheets is for all students to achieve their best possible score which will allow them to achieve their dreams and aspirations as they move past high school!


⇒ The College Board dropped the Optional Essay section on the SAT Assessment in June of 2021. There is no current plan to reinstate that part of the SAT Assessment.


Khan Academy is the Official College Board preparation partner for the SAT Assessment. They have many practice problems and multiple complete practice SAT Assessments. Teachers and Students can sign up for free to access the preparation materials. Try this before purchasing supplemental materials.


⇒ Science and Social Studies content are included in the Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing and Language passages, and Math word problems. 


⇒ There are NO penalties for guessing on the SAT Assessment. There are ways to improve your overall SAT Scores by knowing and using some strategic methods to make educated guesses on each of the sections on the SAT Assessment. These methods will be discussed in the quick reference guides INcompassing Education will be posting for each of the individual sections of the SAT Assessment.


⇒ Every question is scored on a SAT Scale Point score of between 8 – 12 points.


  • 2019 Composite - 1059 SAT Scale score

  • 2019 Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing – 531 SAT Scale score

  • 2019 Math – 528 SAT Scale score

  • 2018 Composite - 1068 SAT Scale score

  • 2018 Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing – 5361 SAT Scale score

  • 2018 Math – 531 SAT Scale score

⇒ Administrators should be prepared, knowing the Average SAT Scale Score for Indiana will drop when All Indiana students start taking the test in March of 2022.


⇒ SAT Scale Scores are good for 5 years for each of the two sections.


⇒ Less than 5% of all students taking the SAT Assessment get a perfect 1600 SAT Scale Score. A composite 1059 SAT Scale score will usually get students the opportunity of scholarships and college admissions to most colleges.


⇒ Currently for Indiana the SAT Scale score a student needs to achieve to be considered proficient is a 480 SAT Scale score in Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section and a 530 SAT Scale score in Math section. Students must meet the individual scores in each subject. There is no composite score requirement.


⇒ The Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section is divided into 2 SAT Scaled Scores. One for the Reading Test and one for the Writing and Language Test. The Math Section is one SAT scaled score no matter if the questions are on the Calculator or No Calculator parts. 


⇒ To get a 480 SAT Scale score in the Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section you would need to get about 23 or 24 questions correct out of the 52 possible (about 45% correct) and about 22 out of the 44 possible (about 50% correct). To get a 530 SAT Scale score in the Math section you would need to get about 30 questions correct out of the 58 possible (about 51.7% correct). You can see the complete explanation of the sample scores on the College Board website at: Practice Test Scores Worksheet


⇒ Understanding the important tips and tricks along with a little practice and only a few more questions answered correctly can raise a student’s SAT Scale score 50 – 100 points in each of the two sections. 


⇒ Beginning with the Graduation Class of 2023 the SAT Assessment will be one of the ways for all Indiana high school students to fulfill a Graduation Pathway Option for the Postsecondary-Ready Competencies of the Indiana Graduation Requirements.

Starting with the class of 2023 Indiana Students will now have three requirements to graduate from high school.  

  1. Earn a High School Diploma

  • Learn and Demonstrate Employment Skills

  • Post-Secondary Ready Competencies

There are multiple pathways to fulfill the last two of the three requirements. More information can be found on the Indiana Department of Education website at:  

A simple checklist to see if students have fulfilled all three requirements to graduate from high school can be found at: 

⇒ The SAT Assessment will be administered in school ONLINE for the first time on Wednesday, March 2, 2022. It will NOT be a paper-pencil test when it is administered. Students will take the entire SAT Assessment on a computer. They will be allowed and encouraged to use scrap paper and have a calculator they are familiar with using regularly. 2021 – 2022 Indiana Assessment Schedule




INcompassing Education will be hosting virtual trainings on each component. Please contact us to learn more.

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